| Plays written by r. John Gay, viz. The Captives, a Tragedy. The Beggar's Opera. Polly, or, the Second Part of the Beggar's Opera. A Chilles an Opera. The Distress'd Wife, a comedy. The Rehearsal at Goatha...Plays written by r. John Gay, viz. The Captives, a Tragedy. The Beggar's Opera. Polly, or, the Second Part of the Beggar's Opera. A Chilles an Opera. The Distress'd Wife, a comedy. The Rehearsal at Goatham, a Farce. To which is added, An Account of tthe Life and Writings of the Author. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson, in the Strand. MDCCLX.
details_place | London |
details_publisher | The Strand |
details_complete | Yes |
details_condition | 8 |
language | ENU |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | Yes |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Half Leather |
details_heightcm | 17 |
details_widthcm | 10.5 |
details_thickcm | 2.5 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | GAY |
details_gewicht | 0.34 |
details_collation | 4 Blank pages / 1 Blank pages / 12 Roman numbered pages / 391 Pages / 5 Blank pages / 1 Portret |
details_bookid | 2827 |
| € 195.00
John Gay,
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