| The Parian Chronicle, or the Chronicle of the Arundelian Marbles; with a Dissertation concerning its Authenticity. Ea Quae Disputavi, Disserere Malui, Quam Judicare CIC, London, Printed for J. Walter, Cha...The Parian Chronicle, or the Chronicle of the Arundelian Marbles; with a Dissertation concerning its Authenticity. Ea Quae Disputavi, Disserere Malui, Quam Judicare CIC, London, Printed for J. Walter, Charing-Cross, MDCCLXXXVIII
details_place | London |
details_publisher | J. Walter |
details_complete | Yes |
details_conditiontext | Spine split but covers firmly holding |
details_condition | 8 |
language | ENU |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | Yes |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Leather |
details_sizedescription | Octavo 8vo |
details_heightcm | 22 |
details_widthcm | 13.5 |
details_thickcm | 2 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | ROBERTSON |
details_gewicht | 0.49 |
details_collation | 4 Blank pages / 1 Blank pages / 1 Blank pages / 8 Roman numbered pages / 225 Pages / 1 Blank pages / 22 NNP / 6 Blank pages / 1 Folding Plates |
details_bookid | 3255 |
| € 575.00 onsale € 420
Joseph Robertson,
seeall History more information |