| Les Délices de la Belgique Les Délices de la Belgique
details_place | Bruxelles |
details_publisher | Froment |
details_complete | Yes |
details_conditiontext | Book binding with traces of use, the maps restored with adhesive tape. The text pages and lithographs are in very good condition and complete. |
details_condition | 6 |
language | FRA |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | Yes |
details_bindingdescription | Later Half Leather |
details_sizedescription | Sextodecimo 16mo |
details_heightcm | 16 |
details_widthcm | 22 |
details_thickcm | 5 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_gewicht | 1.20 |
details_bookid | 90005 |
Illustrated with a folding plan of Brussels, a handfinished map of Belgium, a lithographed frontispiece and 100 lithographed plates after Lauters, Stroobant, Ghémar, Vanderhecht, ea.The plates are unsigned. The lithographs are, for the greater part, printed in two colours.
| € 300.00
Alphonse Wauters ,
seeall Travel more information |