| The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews, And his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams. In two volumes. Written in Imitation of The Manner of Cervantes, Author of Don Quixote. By Henry Fielding, Esq. Volume th...The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews, And his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams. In two volumes. Written in Imitation of The Manner of Cervantes, Author of Don Quixote. By Henry Fielding, Esq. Volume the first. London: Printed for B. Long, and T. Pridden. M. DCC. LXXIII.
details_place | London |
details_publisher | B. Long and T. Pridden |
details_complete | Yes |
details_condition | 8 |
language | ENU |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | No |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Half Leather |
details_sizedescription | Sextodecimo 16mo |
details_heightcm | 16 |
details_widthcm | 10 |
details_thickcm | 3.5 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | FIELDING |
details_gewicht | 0.42 |
details_collation | 2 No of BindingsPart 1: 1 Blank pages / 1 Blank pages / 1 Blank pages / 20 Roman numbered pages / 312 Pages / 2 Blank pages Part 2: 2 Blank pages / 1 Blank pages / 1 Blank pages / 10 Roman numbered pages / 295 Pages / 3 Blank pages |
details_bookid | 3455 |
| € 125.00
Henry Fielding,
seeall Other more information |
| Hedendaagsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige Staat van Alle Volkeren; In opzigt hunner Landsgelegentheid, Personen, Klederen, Gebouwen, Zeden, Wetten, Gewoontens, Godsdienst, Regering, Konsten en Wetenschappe...Hedendaagsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige Staat van Alle Volkeren; In opzigt hunner Landsgelegentheid, Personen, Klederen, Gebouwen, Zeden, Wetten, Gewoontens, Godsdienst, Regering, Konsten en Wetenschappen, Koophandel, Handwerken, Landbouw, Landziektens, Planten, Dieren, Mineralen en andere zaken tot de Natuurlyke Historie dienende. Eerst in Engelsch beschreven door TH. Salmon. Nu vertaald en merkelyk vermeerderd door M. van Goch, M. D. IV. Deel, Behelzende den Tegenwoordige Staat van Persia, Arabia en het Asiatisch Tartaryen. Met naaukeurige Landkaarten en fraaije Printverbeeldingen versierd. Te Amsterdam, By Isaak Tirion, Boekverkoper op de Voorburgwal, over de Nieuwe Kerk, in Hugo Grotius, 1732. Met Privilegie.
details_place | Amsterdam |
details_publisher | Isaak Tirion |
details_complete | Yes |
details_condition | 8 |
language | NLD |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | Yes |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Half Leather |
details_sizedescription | Duodecimo 12mo |
details_heightcm | 19 |
details_widthcm | 13 |
details_thickcm | 4 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | SALMON |
details_gewicht | 0.65 |
details_collation | 2 Blank pages / 1 Blank pages / 4 NNP / 638 Pages / 16 NNP / 5 Folding Plates / 2 Engraved Plates / 3 Folding maps |
details_bookid | 3122 |
| € 285.00
Thomas Salmon,
seeall Geography more information |
| De sacrificio missae tractatus asceticus. Continens praxim attentè, devotè, & reverenter celebrandi. Auctore D. Joanne Bona, ong. Refor. S. Bernardi, Ordinis Cistercien. Abbate, Sac. Congregat. Indicis ...De sacrificio missae tractatus asceticus. Continens praxim attentè, devotè, & reverenter celebrandi. Auctore D. Joanne Bona, ong. Refor. S. Bernardi, Ordinis Cistercien. Abbate, Sac. Congregat. Indicis Ritnum, Indulgensiarum, & S. Officii Consultore. Duaci, Ex Typographiâ Derbaix, suh signo Missalis. M. DCC. IVII. Cum Approbatione & Permississ.
details_place | Duaci |
details_publisher | Derbaix |
details_complete | Yes |
language | LAT |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | No |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Leather |
details_sizedescription | 24mo |
details_heightcm | 14.5 |
details_widthcm | 8.5 |
details_thickcm | 2 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_gewicht | 0.15 |
details_collation | 1 No of Bindings / 2 Blank pages / 1 Blank pages / 150 Pages / 4 NNP / 1 Blank pages / 4 NNP / 66 Pages / 2 NNP / 4 Blank pages |
details_bookid | 2490 |
| € 70.00
seeall Religion more information |
| Traité de la confiance en la misericorde de dieu, Pour la Consolation des Ames, que la crainte jette dans le découragement. Augmenté d'un Traité du faux bonheur des Gens du monde, & du vrai bonheur de...Traité de la confiance en la misericorde de dieu, Pour la Consolation des Ames, que la crainte jette dans le découragement. Augmenté d'un Traité du faux bonheur des Gens du monde, & du vrai bonheur de la Vie Chrétienne. Par Mgr. Jean Joseph Languet, ci-devant Evêque de Soissons, presentement Archevêque de Sens. Edition nouvelle, revue & corrigée par l'Auteur. A Brusselle, Chez la Veuve Foppens. M. D. CC. XL. Avec Approbation
details_place | Brusselles |
details_publisher | Foppens |
details_complete | Yes |
details_conditiontext | Worming throughout the second half of the book |
details_condition | 6 |
language | FRA |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | No |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Leather |
details_sizedescription | Sextodecimo 16mo |
details_heightcm | 15 |
details_widthcm | 9.5 |
details_thickcm | 2.7 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | LANGUET |
details_gewicht | 0.23 |
details_collation | 2 Blank pages / 1 Blank pages / 6 NNP / 272 Pages / 2 Blank pages |
details_bookid | 2429 |
| € 50.00
Jean Joseph Languet,
seeall Religion more information |
| The vicar of Wakefield. A tale. By OLIVER GOLDSMITH, M. D. Sperate miseri, cavete felices. A new edition. LONDON: Printed for, and fold by H. D. Symonds, Pater-noster Row. MDCCXCIII.The vicar of Wakefield. A tale. By OLIVER GOLDSMITH, M. D. Sperate miseri, cavete felices. A new edition. LONDON: Printed for, and fold by H. D. Symonds, Pater-noster Row. MDCCXCIII.
details_place | London |
details_publisher | H. D. Symonds |
details_complete | Yes |
details_conditiontext | Slight bookworm damage in the first 40 pages, not through text |
details_condition | 6 |
language | ENU |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | No |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Half Leather |
details_sizedescription | Duodecimo 12mo |
details_heightcm | 18 |
details_widthcm | 11 |
details_thickcm | 1.8 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | GOLDSMITH |
details_gewicht | 0.20 |
details_collation | 1 No of Bindings |
details_bookid | 3954 |
| € 72.50
Oliver Goldsmith,
seeall Literature more information |
| The odes, satyrs, and epistles of Horace. Done into English by Mr. Creech. Lui cupit optatam Cursu contigere metam, Multa Tulit fecitque Puer. The Third Edition. London: Printed for J. Tonson at Shakespea...The odes, satyrs, and epistles of Horace. Done into English by Mr. Creech. Lui cupit optatam Cursu contigere metam, Multa Tulit fecitque Puer. The Third Edition. London: Printed for J. Tonson at Shakespears-Head, over-against Catherine-street in the Strand. MDCCXI.
details_place | London |
details_publisher | J. Tonson |
details_complete | Yes |
details_condition | 8 |
language | ENU |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | No |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Leather |
details_sizedescription | 24mo |
details_heightcm | 13.7 |
details_widthcm | 8.7 |
details_thickcm | 2.8 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | CREECH |
details_gewicht | 0.23 |
details_collation | 1 No of Bindings |
details_bookid | 3962 |
| € 95.00
Thomas Creech,
seeall Literature more information |
| Reize rondsomde werreld, gedaan in de jaaren 1740 tot 1744, door den heere George Anson, opperbevelhebber een esquader Engelsche schepen op een expeditie naar de zuidzee: opgesteld uit de Papieren en Besc...Reize rondsomde werreld, gedaan in de jaaren 1740 tot 1744, door den heere George Anson, opperbevelhebber een esquader Engelsche schepen op een expeditie naar de zuidzee: opgesteld uit de Papieren en Bescheiden van den Hoog Ed. George Lord Anson zelven en onder zijn Opzigt uitgegeven door Richard Walter, M. A. Kapellaan, gedurende die expeditie, van 't Schip den Centurion. Opgehelderd met zeer veele plaaten en kaarten. Uit het Engelsch Vertaald. Te Amsterdam, By Isaak Tirion, MDCCXLVIII.
details_place | Amsterdam |
details_publisher | Isaak Tirion |
details_complete | Yes |
details_condition | 7 |
language | NLD |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | Yes |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Half Leather |
details_sizedescription | Quarto 4to |
details_heightcm | 27.2 |
details_widthcm | 21.5 |
details_thickcm | 4.5 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | WALTER |
details_gewicht | 1.70 |
details_collation | 1 No of Bindings / 4 Blank pages / 1 Blank pages / 1 Blank pages / 22 NNP / 386 Pages / 2 NNP / 4 Blank pages / 11 Folding maps / 21 Folding Plates / 1 Engraved Plates / 1 Maps |
details_bookid | 3845 |
| € 1150.00
Richard Walter,
seeall Travel more information |
| Lettere di Niccolò Macchiavelli segretario fiorentino a nome della sua repubblica con altre scritte alla stessa dalle sue legazioni a diversi principi. Cosmopoli.Lettere di Niccolò Macchiavelli segretario fiorentino a nome della sua repubblica con altre scritte alla stessa dalle sue legazioni a diversi principi. Cosmopoli.
details_place | Cosmopoli (i.e.Venezia) |
details_complete | Yes |
details_conditiontext | The spine of the book is loose on one side, but the spine is still attached to the rest of the book. |
details_condition | 7 |
language | ITA |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | No |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Binding |
details_sizedescription | Duodecimo 12mo |
details_heightcm | 19 |
details_widthcm | 13 |
details_thickcm | 4 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | MACHIAVELLI |
details_gewicht | 0.38 |
details_bookid | 4610 |
| € 150.00
Nicollò Machiavelli,
seeall Philosophy more information |
| Grond-tekening der stad Heusden te Amst. by Is. TirionGrond-tekening der stad Heusden te Amst. by Is. Tirion
details_place | Amsterdam |
details_publisher | Tirion |
details_complete | Yes |
details_medium | maps |
details_illustrated | Yes |
details_heightcm | 17 |
details_widthcm | 21 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | TIRION |
details_gewicht | 1.09 |
details_bookid | 98 |
Professionally framed with UV resistant glass and acid free passe-partout.
Isaak Tirion (1705-1765)
Isaak Tirion was een Nederlandse boekhandelaar en uitgever. Hij woonde in amsterdam vanaf 1725. Hij gaf een groot aantal boeken uit. Veel van deze werken waren topografische werken.
| € 175.00
I. Tirion,
seeall Heusden Maps more information |
| Histoire des Ordres Monastiques Religieux et Militaires et et des congregations seculier es e l'un & de l'autre sexe, qui ont este establies jusqu'a present contenant leur origine, leur fondation, leurs p...Histoire des Ordres Monastiques Religieux et Militaires et et des congregations seculier es e l'un & de l'autre sexe, qui ont este establies jusqu'a present contenant leur origine, leur fondation, leurs progres, les evenemens les plus considerabless qui y sont arrives, la decadence des uns et les leur suppression, l'agrandissement des autres, par le moien des differentes reformes qui a ont este introduites. Les vies de leurs fondateurs & de leurs reformateurs; avec des figures qui representent tous les differens habillemens de ces Ordres & de ces Congregations.
details_place | Paris |
details_publisher | Jean Baptiste Coignard |
details_complete | Yes |
details_conditiontext | Few parts of white margin missing without loss of text. Overall paper in excellent quality. |
details_condition | 7 |
language | FRA |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | Yes |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Leather |
details_sizedescription | Quarto 4to |
details_heightcm | 26.3 |
details_widthcm | 20.5 |
details_thickcm | 43 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_gewicht | 13.65 |
details_collation | Part 1: 2 Blank pages / 108 Roman numbered pages / 5 NNP / 399 Pages / 23 NNP / 2 After blanks / 101 Engraved Plates Part 2: 119 Engraved Plates Part 3: 120(117 + 3) Engraved Plates Part 4: 113(112 + 1) Engraved Plates Part 5: 87 Engraved Plates Part 6: 100 Engraved Plates Part 7: 71 Plus 99 Engraved Plates Part 8: 98 (of 99) (99 bound in part 7) Engraved Plates |
details_bookid | 2277 |
With more than 810 full page engravings, plate 49 part 1 not bound in this copy. Engravings pasted on title pages. Spine ends restored.
| € 1850.00
Pierre Helyot,
seeall Religion more information |